My dad wanted to name me Floyd. I don’t know why. I think he just liked the name. He had a good friend and cousin named Floyd so maybe he felt that he would be honoring his friend by naming me after him. It was a different generation and Floyd wasn’t really in vogue when I was born. I don’t think it’s back in vogue yet either. Fortunately, my mom was the voice of reason and I was named Phil instead. Something a little more appropriate for my generation. Thanks mom!
When coming up with a name for RADzle Consulting, we were looking for something that fit what we do, was simple and was appropriate for this generation. Since Rapid Application Development (RAD) is at the core of what we do, a play on the acronym seemed appropriate. Our goal is to dazzle our customers with what we do, so Dazzle became the other part of the name.
Or, we could have gone with Floyd Programming Corp. It would have made my dad happy 😉